

How are humans doing?

This would seem an important question. We don’t see a lot of clear answers. Depending on the information environment one subscribes to the question remains – Do we even have the right information?

OUR global WORK in this area holds some interesting trends in thinking and feeling as opposed to moods, which are rooted in and focused on Action as both a Philosophy and physical practice.

When asked:

* 72% of our respondents were Not OK in the domain of money.

* 55% of our respondents were Not OK in the domain of work.

* 37% of our respondents were Not OK in the domain of education.

Money is Not ok. Work is ok. Education is fine.

Can you see the rationalization error in this immediate logic? This perspective actually devalues the connection between education and money and the realization that operating knowledge has to be built to either produce desired outcomes, or change one’s situation. Education is what enables one’s operating knowledge to invent, to create, to design, make and fulfill mutually valuable offers. This is creativity in Action. There is also an interactive code.

DO [iT]: Three, 3 Minute Check; . . .

*Data from our Global Survey over the past few years has focused on recurring basic distinctions that are ubiquitous to all humans. For further information on this work, please let us know. Thank You !!!! . . .