

BlockPro Group & G. A. <>> WELCOME; This entry portal is the beginning your new journey; Somebody you already ‘know’ is your guide, and they have done the exACT same things you are about to do; They created their own journey to establishing new operational knowledge at velocity; How can humans successfully navigate continuous change that comes from increasingly variable direction?

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How are humans doing? We need to understand the real human condition on a global scale. Real productivity in the digital age is maybe 30% and this would be in a well managed company by industrialized standards. The data centers you see being built in Silicon Valley actually HOLD virtual WASTE.

These two things; virtualized waste and how humans are really doing in this ‘world’ are at the top of general agitation of the population. We don’t see a lot of clear and honest answers in what people are saying is either the ‘situation’ or the “fix”. Polarized information channels as now standard beg the question – Do we even have a whole set of the needed information?

Our data holds fascinating trends in people’s current thinking and feelings. On average the human ‘mood’ is off in terms of what people recurrently tell themselves to rationalize their ‘situation’.

“Change language, change the action.”

Dr. Fernando Flores

OurMood Check is designed as a pattern interruptor and beginning point of critical interactive change. Current data:

*Only 28% of our respondents were OK in the domain of ‘money’.

*Yet 45% of these respondents were OK in the domain of ‘work’.

*And 63% of the same set were OK in the domain of ‘education’.

Can you see the rationalization error?

I’m ‘satisfied’ with my ‘education’. I’m Not that happy with my ‘career’. And, I’m Not doing well at all in the domain of ‘money’.

Traditionally intelligent people hold this bias. Serious cognitive dissonance due to Not acknowledging what they don’t operationally know. This is a key blocker of movement from where they really don’t want to be to the new, desired states they imagine.

Their mood, the narratives they repeat hold them in place and devalue otherwise rational thinking. This position devalues the real life connection between education, career and money. Lack of realization that they don’t ‘really’ have the operating knowledge required to build something different and change one’s situation.

Language, use of THE interactive CODE is what enables one’s operating knowledge to invent, to create, to design, make and fulfill mutually valuable offers. This is creativity in Action.

TO [enter]: Take the 3 to 5 minute survey to start; . . .

*Mood Check Data

Qualitative work from our surveys over the past few years